Exercise! Blah, I mean really though, for those of us who are not physically inclined, getting exercise can be as mentally exhausting as it is physically. However, it doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t do it. There are endless ways to exercise, we know the common ones, walk the dog, go for a run, go to the gym, join an exercise class, but those activities don’t actually suit a lot of us. So, let’s think of some other ways to exercise that may not seem so daunting or may not trigger that blah response. And remember, a little bit at a time is also good for you, five minutes here and there is just as effective at getting us out of our heads and get the juices flowing, especially when we feel down.
- DANCE PARTY!! – Close the curtains, lock the door, put your phone on silent, then put some music on and let your body do its thing. Dancing has been shown to help your mental and physical health, win – win.
- Chair yoga – It might seem weird, but this can be done in your own living room. No one’s watching or judging you, except yourself. So, let those judgements go and let your body move without worry or concern!
- Take the stairs – When at work, the mall, or anywhere you spend time, choose to take the stairs instead of the elevator, and no, I’m not talking about using and escalator instead. If your office is on the 6th floor and it seems too much for you (or you don’t want to get to work in super sweaty clothes), then take the stairs to the second floor and use the elevator for the rest.
- Have a walking meeting – So this one might not work for everyone, as we often need to take notes at meeting. However, if you’re meeting a friend for coffee, which is also a good way to beat the winter blues, ask them to stroll around with you while you visit. You don’t need to be walking at a brisk pace, walking nonchalantly works, our bodies are moving and that’s the goal.
- House cleaning – Bet you didn’t see this as an exercise! Let me tell you, when I get in house cleaning mode, I can work up a serious sweat. It’s exercise, and it’s super satisfying to sit back and take in the view of a job well done.
- Park at the back of the parking lot – This one is pretty self explanatory. Also, you’re less likely to have your car dinged by neighbouring vehicles, which has happened to us. Someone took off our front bumper. The walk is now worth it for more than one reason.
- Play outside with the kids – Make a snowman, or snow angel, have a snowball fight, see who can hit an object with a snowball. You’ll probably laugh as well as get a bit of exercise, another win-win.
- Bow chicka wow wow – This one is great for many reasons, wink wink. But seriously, yes it can be difficult to get in the mood when you’re feeling blue, but this activity is good for us physically, mentally and emotionally, plus your partner will also reap the benefits. If you don’t have a partner, self-love can work in mostly the same way.
Exercise doesn’t have to feel so daunting, nor should it. Our bodies need to move, it’s natural and it’s something that they crave, if only those cravings were as obvious and equally as difficult to ignore as my craving for junk food. We have to break out of that exercise box and see exercise from a different perspective, or several different perspectives, whatever works and helps us get motivated. You can do this! And remember, don’t expect to run up those 10 flights of stairs right off the bat. Start with five-minute intervals, go easy on yourself, and more importantly celebrate yourself and be proud of yourself every single time you get up and get moving. You’ve got this!