Cats, you either love them, or you don’t. There’s this feud between cat lovers and dog lovers, but whichever it is you prefer is perfect for you. Pets bring us joy and comfort. Yes, they can sometimes be a pain in the butt, but we love them anyway, because that’s what family is. And let’s be honest, pets are family. Here we are going to talk about cats. We have more than one… more than two actually… I won’t say how many we really have, but it’s safe to say that if it weren’t for practicalities sake our house could easily be overrun. Here are eight reasons I love cats.
Cats are routine monsters; they like to be fed at the same time, they know which window has the best light at exactly the right time of day, they know when you’re going to be getting out of bed, and they know when you’re going to bed. We have a beautiful girl who LOVES the sun. She follows it around the house all day. During the winter months not all of those spots get sun, so she’s figured out when the radiators are going to be warm and curls up next to them instead.
They remind us to take five
Most cats have a cuddle/attention quota which must be met each day. If you work from home, are a student, a gamer, whatever your habits/hobbies may be, when working on a task, time can slip by without us noticing. Our dear little four-legged furry friends are there to bring us back to reality. They can do this subtly by rubbing up on you, or not so subtly, by plopping down on your laptop, putting themselves between you and your book, or whatever might be in their way, to get affection. This usually makes focus on giving pets and love, even if it’s just for a few minutes before we shoo them away, or they decide they’ve had enough for now.

They’re funny and incredibly entertaining
Cats personalities are wonderfully entertaining on their own, especially if you have more than one, as it makes you notice and appreciate the differences between them stand out so much more. We have one old girl who tears through the house after she has a #2 in the kitty litter. One girl, who is generally quite serious and doesn’t play quite as much as the others, chases her tail, which usually happens at the oddest of moments. Another one of our girls is just a furry ball of entertainment, she’s always doing something silly and making the whole family laugh.
They’re cute
Let’s face it, when you see a cat curled up in a ball looking all cute, there’s something in you that just goes “Awe” (insert googly eyes here). Or when they’re all curled up on or beside you with their legs sticking straight out. It just makes your heart so happy. What makes my heart sing every time is seeing those big wide eyes when they’re in play mode.

They increase overall health
Studies have shown that having pets, specifically cats, can decrease the risk of heart diseases. Pet ownership helps to reduce daily stress which in turn can help with all sorts of stress related diseases. A BIG bonus, as far as I’m concerned, to having a cat in the family.
Their purr’s have healing powers
A cat’s purr has a frequency that vibrates between 20-140 Hz. These vibrational frequencies have been shown to have healing properties on bones, tendons and muscles, stress levels, and much more. As someone who struggles with depression, I can safely say that when a cat curls up on me and purrs their little hearts out, it helps me stay in the moment and I can often feel the tension melt away, even if it’s just a little bit.
Unconditional love and acceptance
They don’t care if you’re cranky today, if you’re sad, or don’t feel like talking. As long as they’re fed, have water, and a clean litter box they don’t expect much from you and are always willing to show you how much they love you, especially when you’re having a bad day.

Accepting differences in others
As mentioned before cats, like people, all have different personalities. One of our girls prefers males, LOVES feet and the smell of dirt, and doesn’t like cuddles as much as our other cats. Another loves her momma and will only give others cuddles when her momma isn’t giving her enough attention. One doesn’t like change, and another is excited by it and must investigate every little difference there is around the house. Seeing these different personality traits in your pets helps you see them and appreciate them in yourself and in others.
Love Your Cat
Cats are so incredible! Yes, there are definitely some that are crankier than others, and some can be more particular that others, but hey, aren’t we humans the same. These are only eight of the many reasons to have a cat as a companion. If you like cats, can afford to have one, and have the ability to do so, I strongly recommend having one, maybe even two. But seriously, there are benefits to getting more than one at a time, which may lead to another article, who knows. If you do decide to get a cat remember there are farms all over giving away kittens, and we all know that animal shelters are an excellent way to adopt a furry four-legged friend into the family. And if you already are a cat owner, take a few minutes and give your little purr monster some love from us here at Vegan Daydream.