Pecan pie has always been one of my absolute favorite desserts. Adding maple to this decadent dessert brings out the richness of its flavors, and adds a uniqueness to this recipe so you can be sure that your guests will be pleasantly surprised. This maple pecan pie is also surprisingly easy to make, with only a few ingredients and just a couple of steps. So, sit back with a nice cup of tea and enjoy our twist on this classic and much loved pie.
What you will need:
- 6 tbsp Ground Flax
- 1/2 cup Sugar
- 1 cup Maple Syrup
- 1/2 cup Vegan Margarine
- 1/2 tsp Salt
- 1/2 cup Pecan Pieces
- 1/2 cup Pecan Halves (for the top)
- 1 Pie Shell
Combine the flax, sugar, maple syrup, margarine and salt in a medium sized bowl.
Beat thoroughly and stir in pecan pieces, then pour mixture into pie shell. You could use either one purchased from a store, or one that you have prepared ahead of time. I suggest our Never Failed me Yet Pie Crust recipe.
Arrange pecan haves on top in a design to add a nice flair to your pie.
Preheat oven to 375 and bake 40 minutes or until the pie has set. Cool completely before serving. This maple pecan pie will make 6-8 servings, but don’t be surprised if seconds are requested.

fantastic! All my vegan buds love it and my non vegan family/friends do too!!!
Oh my goodness. This (and lemon bars) are two foods I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to eat again. Thanks for veganizing this!
I am so glad you found the site!! I will have to add lemon bars to the list of things to experiment on!! The Pie is great I hope you love it as much as I do. Maple syrup kind of makes anything awesome though!!